Vintage children is this week's theme at Theme Thursday. I actually enjoyed my MMM skinny so much that I decided to make some more... :)
Thanks for looking!

An Arts and Crafts blog
Vintage children is this week's theme at Theme Thursday. I actually enjoyed my MMM skinny so much that I decided to make some more... :)
Thanks for looking!
Clocks is this week's theme at One Powerful Hour. I'm entering this skinny at Theme Thursday too, because it's also about vintage children, which is the theme there.Unfortnunately I didn't manage to take a decent picture of the skinny - one is too dark, the other one is too light. Sorry! And thanks for looking!
"Shrines" is this month's theme at Mixed Media Monday. Here's my very first shrine:
Is this what a shrine is supposed to be? Tell me what you think...
This shrine turned out quite different from what I had in mind at least as far as the colours are concerned. Due to the excessive amount of pink (at least to my taste) it is a tad childish and therefore only suitable for a child's room. I should have attached to it something to hang it from, but I got too lazy after realizing I'll never hang it in my own bedroom... after all, I'm 36.
A minha querida prima Anita, de 8 anos, visitou-me no último fim-de-semana e eu contei-lhe acerca dos desafios semanais de alguns sites que visito. É claro que ela quis logo participar também, o que eu achei óptimo! E sabem que mais? A miúda é rápida no gatilho! :-) Enquanto eu fiz 2 ATCs, ela fez 5 - sim, 5! - de acordo com os seguintes temas:
Think Monday Think ATC: the colour green (a cor verde)
(This is my favourite - Este é o meu favorito.)
Art pieces: water (água)
Clockwise there's a bath, a drinking fountain, a fountain and a bottle, so that no one gets thirsty. ;-) Unfortunately, I didn't notice that this challenge had been running the previous week. Sorry Anita!
No sentido dos ponteiros do relógio temos uma banheira, um bebedouro, um repuxo e uma garrafa para que ninguém tenha sede. ;-) Infelizmente, não reparei que este desafio era relativo à semana passada. - Desculpa Anita!
Wednesday stamper: flowers (flores)
Theme Thursday: vintage (antigo)
What you see below the lady is an envelope, that is to say, a letter, which is a thing of days gone by, at least according to a modern little girl like Anita. ;-)
Por baixo da senhora está um envelope, ou seja, uma carta, que é uma coisa do passado para uma menina moderna como a Anita. ;-)
(This is Anita's favourite. - Este é o favorito da Anita.)
Unfortunately, I've had so many things to do these days that only today did I have time to post all her work... and mine. Sorry again, Anita! - Infelizmente, tenho tido tanto que fazer que só hoje tive tempo para colocar aqui todo o seu trabalho e o meu também. Mais uma vez, desculpa Anita!
And now for my own work: - E agora os meus trabalhos:
Wednesday stamper: flowers (flores)
Lots to do: Friendship
My blog giveaway is open to all bloggers worldwide! I'm giving away two domino necklaces I made. (For both necklaces I used bamboo tiles which I decoupaged and coated with varnish. The one with the little girl has a pink satin ribbon, a golden metal alloy bead and acrylic beads. The red one has a black cotton thread, acrylic beads, a metal alloy spacer and an oval polymer clay bead.) - Scroll down for more pictures.
You only need to have a blog and leave a comment - PLEASE COMMENT ONLY ONCE - to be entered in this giveaway. However, don't forget to leave your email address or your blog address so that you can be contacted if you should win. The deadline to participate is February 14th until 23:59:59 Greenwich Time (This is Lisbon Time and I think it's the same as C.E.T.). On February 15th the winners will be randomly picked (with a random number generator) and announced on the blog. I will email the winners and they will have 48 hours to respond with their postal address information. After 48 hours alternate winners will be chosen.
Good luck!
Don't forget to spread the word and visit the other participating bloggers too!
OWOH is sadly coming to an end. :-( I'm very thankful for all the nice comments you left but the COMMENTS section is now CLOSED. Sorry, but I won't accept any more comments for this giveaway. The 2 lucky winners will be announced later today.